... ... ... ~Memories~ ...


... ~Memories~

This page isn't really about MY personal memories. It's about everyone's memories, how fragile and special they are and how we don't realize it until the moment has passed, that it will become a memory that stays with us forever. This page is just a dedication to those moments. To remind us of how we all hold this special gift - the gift of remembering. And although there are some memories that stick with me that seem like a weight, a sting of pain, it's those memories that make me strong and remind me not to make the same mistake twice. And then there's those memories that bring a tear to my eye, not because of the moment being sad but because it was an important moment in my life that made such an impact it changed me forever.

This page is dedicated to memories.
What they are and who they made us.

... Image Author: Unknown ... ... ...


Take a moment to yourself and remember...
Remember life's tragedies and triumphs.
Remember that no matter what happens to you, It will eventually become a memory...
A faint memory or a vivid memory, depending upon how you view it.
You make memories every day, memories for yourself and memories for others.
Enjoy life and the memories it brings -
Because in the end, it's all you'll want to hold unto.



:|: Home :|: Poetry :|: Cards :|: Awards :|: Links :|: Memories :|: Guest Book :|: Me :|:
:|: Adoptions :|: For Jason :|: Spirit Page :|:
